Sunday, April 17, 2011

i have a WHAT?!

I went to the mall today to get the battery changed in my Garmin watch. Not running again without my watch! It's kind of ironic. I totally had not trained for this race, so in addition to not spending quality time at the gym or on the road,  I also did not think to replace my watch battery so I would know exactly how slow I was going. That was quite a shock yesterday morning as the gun went off and I was determined not to let it happen again.
The watch guy says it will be about 15-20 minutes so I start wandering the mall hoping not to spend any unnecessary money on clothes or shoes and wah-lah! There’s a little cart in the middle of the walkway offering “threading.” 

I’m sure most people know what this is but in case you don't, it’s where they actually take a spool of thread and do some twisty thing where they hold part of the thread in their mouth, twist the thread and rip out all of your eyebrow hairs with it. It supposedly gives you a cleaner brow line faster with less pain. I heard rave reviews when my sister was a MAC girl, and had it done once in Vegas before the Rock N Roll Marathon last year (loved it), so I figured it would be great. And let’s face it, my brows were a little out of control.
So the threading lady was, as expected, Indian. And she was in the middle of eating some really pungent Indian food so I got a full whiff of some curry-yogurt-onion breath while she was fixing up my eyebrows in front of God and everyone wandering the mall on a Sunday afternoon. I felt like I was getting a public pap smear or something the way people were staring.
This eyebrow threading was not as painless as my first one. I have a pretty high pain threshold but there were a few times where I was doing a 40-year-old-virgin “OOHHHH Kelly Clarkson!” moment. And I have the red welt to prove it. 
At any rate, she showed me the results in the mirror – great – and then said, “You want me to do mustache? Only 5 more dollar.” I think my jaw hit the mall floor. Mustache?!?! I don’t have a mustache, you bitch! Right?! I was obviously offended, refused this highly unnecessary service and stomped down the mall with my burning brows to retrieve my watch.
But all the way home, I checked the mirror, and encouraged my friends and my hubby and my 2-year-old to review my upper lip just to make sure that I don’t really have an old-lady mustache sprouting that I just haven’t noticed or am completely ignoring. I think I’m good. And sadly, my brows look fabulous and that’s the only threading game in town so I’m stuck, but I’m going back. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

  1. I have a mustache. I wax it. It makes me feel amazingly sexy. :)
