Saturday, January 1, 2011

1 1 11 - happy new year!

Another New Years Day, another opportunity for resolutions. As we celebrated the New Year last night at Mark and Jenny’s with Brad, Lori and Tiff and the kids, everyone was asking what my resolution was. I have so many in my head, like somehow I can take this new year as an opportunity to change ALL of the things I don’t like or want to be better at and shove them into one, singular New Year’s Resolution. The best I could come up with was this: Balance. Ambiguous, yes?! 
Well, here’s how I’m breaking it down in my head. The trick is that they’re not in any particular order but they all get balanced attention. That’s a lot to juggle but I know I can do it. So I’m putting some “objectives” for each and then some specific strategies to help support the vision of what I can become. Scott and I have made a deal that on the 5th of each month we’re going to review our budget vs. our actual spend, see how we’re doing toward our financial goals and make appropriate adjustments. So that seems like a good plan for reconnecting with these goals for the year. This New Year’s Resolution for Balance is not going to happen overnight or in a month but with some dedication it could be the resolution that finally sticks. And monthly check-ups will keep me honest.
Family: Be the best mom, sister, daughter I can be.
I know I’m a good mom, maybe even a great one, but I really want to make sure that the time I have with my children is quality time. I can get frazzled when I feel pulled in too many directions and that either leads to me being annoyed with their need for attention or taking the lazy way out (TV) because I have other things I need to do. You know, all that important stuff like dishes and laundry and making the bed. Well, that’s over. This year, puzzles and projects, making cookies and trips to the park take priority. Every minute with these little blessings – whether it’s a tantrum minute or a cuddly hug minute – is mine to embrace and treasure. Every time Sloane bursts into that 2-tooth smile with her big ol’ cheeks or the bottom lip pouting out is so precious. And every single thing that comes out of Tagg’s mouth is hysterical and amazing, and watching him figure out and master his world? Fascinating. No delusions here, I will probably still crack every so often but my other resolution is to accept that I am NOT superhuman and enjoy all the imperfections that create our perfect life.
I am also committing to my family…all of them. My parents work really hard to reach out to us and keep connections, as do Scott’s parents, and my Aunt Kris and Uncle Rick, and Tiff and Becky and Marc. I was bummed this year because we didn’t send Christmas presents to Scott’s nieces and nephews, not because they need stuff but because I just don’t know them well enough to know what they’re even interested in. Our parents are getting older and, again, every minute with them is a blessing and should be respected as such, not seen as a burden. So bring on the Sunday dinners and Monday night Skype sessions and birthday cards (which I SUCK at! Why is it so hard to buy stamps?!) and family vacations.  
Health: Be strong and healthy and just do it!
I have literally packed on over 15 pounds since Tagg was born and yesterday, tipped the scale at my danger weight. Pants are tight. I feel gross. I know what to do, I just haven’t committed lately. So I’m in. I have a half marathon the first week of February that I haven’t trained for much but I will do every single run on my training plan between now and then. I am ditching the soda, kicking the wine (sniff) and doing the Zone diet – basically eating healthy. I know what to do…I just don’t always do it! (For the record, I am drinking wine while I write this.) I’m going to hit the gym 3 mornings a week and a couple of nights, and every Tuesday while I’m watching the Biggest Loser, I’m going to do all the exercises from that month’s issue of Shape. Well, the ones I have the equipment for. Hopefully, once I get dug out from Christmas debt, we’ll get an elliptical for the gym room too but in the meantime – Wii Dance Party, Wii Fit, the Jillian Michaels DVDs and my yoga DVDs are all there so I have no excuse, no matter what, not to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. We’re going to ski hard, hike, wakeboard and waterski, and just have healthy, active, fun outside all year long.
My plan is that I will break a 2-hour half and a 2-hour tri this year. I am going to have the Jennifer Aniston body I aspire to so I can wear skirts all year long and feel good about it, like my arms and stomach again, and walk around the pool or the beach in my swimsuit without a cover up. As a matter of fact, I’m going to be in such good shape, I get to buy new jeans and a new bikini or two this year!
Love: Bring back the romance.
Two kids in two years, job up and downs, menopause and 10 years of marriage have taken a toll on the romance for us, there’s just no getting around it. We’re great partners but the spark is harder and harder to find under the piles of laundry, bills, dishes and life. I am committing to date nights – at least every 2 weeks and hopefully more. And to finding things we like to do together that don’t involve the kids and making the time to do them. I think we need to create some things that we can enjoy as a couple. It used to be working out and boating, but now those things feel like a relay race where you pass the baton of the kids to the other parent. Your leg of the race is fine, and you can talk about it with the other person afterwards, but there’s not much you’re experiencing together. It’s hard because we both love the kids so much and love being with them that it’s hard to carve out time for us that doesn’t involve them. I think Scott’s a good runner so I’m interested to see if we can run together with the jogging stroller and the kids (ugh! Pushing 50 pounds of kids sounds SO hard!). With Lightning McQueen (the nickname Tagg gave our little red ski boat) and mom and dad’s trailer, perhaps that will again become “our thing” this summer. Boating and camping, sometimes without the little ones. And even thought it’s hard to leave the babies, we need to do some trips that are just us, and some that are just adults. I fell in love with an unbelievably amazing man. Ten years ago, I married him. Today, he’s the best husband and father and a successful businessman but I’m looking forward to rekindling all of the passion and romance we started with, times ten!
Me: Be selfish.
In addition to the health stuff noted above, I need a little focus on me that doesn’t involve working out or shoe shopping (well, maybe shoe shopping still!). I am having so much fun writing the blog, and I love to cook, and read and I used to paint and make jewelry and do crafty things and decorate. I need to feed the soul again. I have a pile of books that I’m digging into. And Natalie and I are planning a book writing club where we meet every 2 weeks to check in on our story-writing progress. I started writing a book years ago and I need to find out what happens those characters. I love doing the photobooks and making the videos and want to make more time for that kind of stuff. This creative hunger needs to be fed! Sometimes I feel guilty for cooking big meals that not everyone appreciates but you know, it makes me feel good so it’s okay. Maybe I need to figure out how to do it so that I’m feeding some of the other goals too – like make dinner for friends or family. Paint with Tagg and Sloane. Part of this resolution is making sure I put myself at the top of the list, not all the time but enough (balance, remember?). It’s really easy to always be the last on the list, or feel guilty when you put your stuff ahead of anything else. Even the objective of this resolution kind of sucks. Why is doing stuff for me “selfish?” Part of the mom-life I suppose. But making time to work out, and love my husband, and do things with my friends, and promote my career is not selfish. It’s life. And it’s the best way to be a role model for my children. The only place I’m going to strive not to be selfish is money. I spend ridiculous amounts of my disposable income on disposable things. So the focus is on fiscal responsibility, savings (partially, so I can get my new kitchen!), and saving for the kids. Without jeopardizing all the other plans, of course! See? Balance!
Friends: Be one, have many.
I feel like our little group of friends, many of us have been together for 10 to 15 years, is drifting apart. I know some of it is that we’re in different places – some have older kids, some like us have little kids, some are single, everyone’s busy and broke and just getting by – but these people are like family and they deserve our time. We had a ball with the gang last night – kids going crazy, Wii Dance Party, gobs of spaghetti – and we had a great dinner with everyone for Tiff’s birthday where we actually got to talk and catch up. My friends are amazing! So I am going to do more to promote those relationships – plan dinner nights, camping trips, lunch dates or play dates. And I’m also going to work on developing some new friendships too – probably with other people like us who have jobs and little kids and wouldn’t mind drinking a glass of wine and making dinner at home while the midgets wreck the joint and we talk about potty training and preschool.
Career: Find the balance, feel the love.
Most days I love my job. I definitely like being good at my job. But I think it’s had a lot of priority over the years. And that’s probably the one place where creating balance is going to hurt. I’m not going to give up my evenings with my kids, my hubby, my family, my friends, and my self to work any more. Not like I have in the past. Work will get it’s due and I’ll kick ass as always but it’s not number 1 after hours. Maybe not even number 2, or 3, and some days it doesn’t even get a number. I want to make sure that I love what I’m doing. If the money and the satisfaction are not worthy of the sacrifices it’s not the right job. Things have been a little shifty lately so it’s something I’ll be watching this year.
So that’s a lot right? But it’s not too much. It’s just making this life the best life you can! I’ll be doing monthly check-ins to keep myself honest about my progress. Maybe some kind of star system. No matter what…this year that starts with 1/1/11 is all about balance.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

shop-a-holics beware

Just found this cool new website (sent to me by one of the baby Gigi's - aka grandmas) called where they have major discounts on cool clothes, not just for kids, and decora. Apparently they have online sales that you get invited to where you can buy stuff for 75% or more off retail. I'm intrigued! The kid clothes are cute and unique which I love. I'll keep you posted on how it works out but buying designer stuff at Wal-mart prices sounds good to me!

oh dear

Teen Mom: I don’t know what my fascination is with this show. It’s like a car wreck. I can’t not watch. So the episode I’m watching (thanks DVR!) is the one where Amber beats the crap out of her baby daddy (and today, I just found out on Twitter, she’s going to jail for it and her daughter will someday have to watch YouTube videos of this whole debacle…tragic), Farrah is doing a DNA test so she can afford to care for her kid, Maci is trying to juggle the rights of Bentley’s dad with her life and a new boyfriend, and Catelynn and Tyler are just trying to graduate from high school. 
Holy shit, girls! Life is hard. Having kids is hard! Affording anything is hard – and if you have a little shoe fetish like me? Sayonara, sweetheart. I think about our baby mamas who did this amazing thing. It might seem selfish to them but that’s the one way you should be selfish when you’re a teenager! Every single thing you want, you should have! Boys, degrees, clothes, freedom, travel, career, experiences. It’s called life. There’s plenty of time for responsibility and stuff later. You don’t appreciate it till you’ve done all that other fun, irresponsible, adventurous stuff.
I LOVE that we get see Tagg and Sloane’s baby parents doing what they should be doing. Playing varsity ball, going to college, having fun. Why on earth do kids want to grow up so early?! I’m so glad I got to travel and have a career and date lots of people with no strings attached (it’s not as slutty as it sounds, trust me) and be completely, 100% selfish for years and years.
Even after we were married, we got to know each other and figure things out. Fighting over what kind of spaghetti sauce you buy is nothing like fighting over who gets the kid when. Figuring out how to handle your finances is still virtually a guaranteed fight-starter even when you actually have money. Scott and I got to lounge on the couch on Sundays and watch football and nap in the middle of the day, or work out together, or head to Lake Powell on a Friday afternoon with just a bikini and a suit and some beer not a whole freaking SUV full of Gracos, and formula and baby gates and life jackets and baby monitors. So now all I want is for my kids, and their baby parents, to have all the same opportunities and experiences.
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE our life. Now. And I’m so glad that I have absolutely no regrets about missing anything. I’ve done everything I wanted to and now I get to be a parent…and this is the most beautiful thing ever. EVER! I wish that more of the girls they feature were at least considering adoption as an option, and an opportunity. Not just for them but for families like us.
When Sloane’s adoption was finalized, we got her birth parents’ background info. It was interesting to read what she wanted for her daughter - opportunity, acceptance, stability, adventure…and to be a part of the baby’s life. I admire her so much for realizing that she could give her baby more by gifting her to us, and for understanding that, with respect and a whole lotta trust on both sides, we could make a life for this little girl where we all get to love her.
So, Catelynn and Tyler, you guys are amazing. I hope that you make the most of the opportunities you’ve created for yourselves. And the rest of you...prayers are with you. You may need them.

Monday, December 27, 2010

the first 5

So I did my first run in just over a week this morning - 5 miles. I've had so many lovely excuses the last week or so not to go - shopping, wrapping, parties, cramming in some work before the break, cooking, bad weather, kids slept in so I'm sleeping in (my favorite!). But today it was time to get back into the training program. Huntington half is just 5 weeks away! So out I went. It was 34 degrees, there was snow and ice on the ground, wind in my face and the first half was all uphill. My ass was frozen by about minute 7 and my nose ran the whole time but my first run in jacked-up winter weather (I'm usually on the treadmill anywhere below 45 degrees) was actually fun! It was a different experience and definitely more invigorating than running in the heat!

A friend of mine wrote a great blog post about a book I gave her called Bird By Bird and related it to running, and today I had that in my head as I pounded out 5 miles. Every hard task in life can be handled if you take it bird-by-bird, and every hard run is just the same...take the next step and the next one and you'll end up right where you need to be. I love this book and it seems like, as I head into the new year, it might be a good time to read it again. I could use some instructions on writing...and life.

perfect christmas

christmas - part one (the harmers' house on Christmas Eve)

Sloane's big gift to us is
learning to crawl. She's
mastered laying to sitting and
is just minutes away from the
full crawl. Watch out people!
Santa Baby...hurry down the chimney tonight! Sloane had two cute Santa outfits for Christmas. I bought one (obviously) but so did Scott! So this is the one she wore to Christmas Eve festivities at his parents' house. Tagg and his cousin Ashley dove into a few presents on Christmas Eve after the traditional ham and potatoes dinner, then they put reindeer food out (oatmeal with sparkles) and lured Rudolph into the back yard. Tagg totally knows all the words to Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer, his favorite Christmas carol, but he wouldn't sing louder than a whisper so we don't have any good video...bummer!

Tagg got a bunch of Lightning McQueen stuff including a car that he got to race with Ashley. He gave Ashley a princess outfit and a Purplicious book (her favorite color) and he and Sloane gave photo books to Auntie Leese and Grama and Bompa.

christmas - part two (our house, Christmas Day)

Tagg woke up late on Christmas...8:30 and we had to wake him up! Scott and I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 7:30 mind you. I suspect that will change as he gets older! Nana and Papa and Aunt Tiff came over at 8, packing cameras and mimosa fixin's. He was a little grumpy at first but then realized that Santa had come and ran downstairs. I wish I had a real picture of the awe on his face, but I'll keep the mental picture forever.

The basketball hoop was a huge hit. He was working on dunks and long shots from the get go, with a little help from Papa. Not bad for a kid wearing Lightning McQueen jammies that were about 4 inches too long! Tagg's baby family sent so many darling things for Tagg - clothes, a Cars Etch-a-Sketch that he adores and a new WVU jersey. They also sent Sloane a cute outfit. How awesome is that? I'm always so amazed by the love and generosity that these families share with us.

Sloane seems to have acquired my penchant for clothes and shoes...with a little help from her birth mom! She sent a cute pair of Ugg boots that Sloane may be able to wear in a few months and a gift certificate for Tagg. adorable! Even her grandma sent some artsy stuffed animals. It's a great reminder of how incredible these relationships are. We hope the kids cherish it as much as we do.

christmas - part three (the harmers' house)

We headed off to the Harmer homestead around 11 for Bompa's famous breakfast - monkey bread, french toast, bacon, eggs, sausage and veggie sausage which he accidentally bought because he didn't have his glasses on. Not bad tasting but the texture was...ick. It's kind of funny but Bompa's breakfast tastes a little different at a real table with real silverware. I'm not gonna lie, it was awesome but I think I like it better at Lake Powell!

The Girls.
Kayla (5 mo), Ashley (4 yrs), Sloane (7 mo).
All smiling in one photo!

I am trying to keep the "let's wear Xmas jammies all day" tradition alive and cooking but I am meeting with some resistance. Apparently I need to buy Scott some less gay pajamas and not go anywhere public all day to make this work. Come on! I think it's cute...and comfortable! Of course, neither baby was interested in performing for the camera at all but at least it's captured in pictures - squirming, screaming, the works! And, for the record, Scott cut about 4 inches off the bottom of his pajamas when we got to his mom' worry about how jagged or crooked or wrecked they were. That should probably tell me something!

The Girls. All smiling again...and Tagg.
Refusing to be part of the moment.
The kids all got treated royally (again!) at Grama and Bompa's Christmas. My favorite gift? The calendar Sandy made of the whole family - complete with all the birthdays and a Lake Powell trip countdown! Very cool! Tagg's favorite gift? Cars Band-aids. Sloane's favorite gift? Wrapping paper, and anything Tagg had.

christmas - part...ah, who's counting (the comptons' house)

We got to Mom, Dad and Tiff's about 2pm with 2 snoozing kids in the back of the car. Of course, our kids don't "transfer" at all so they promptly woke up and it was off to the Christmas races! The house smelled like turkey (mmmm!) and there was a Wii tournament in progress.

Sloane and Harper were dressed in identical outfits. It was so funny - totally unplanned, swear! But they looked so cute in their little twinner outfits! They even puked on them the same! At one point, Sloane was officially Christmas and pictured out. Done! So done!

Marc, Dad and Scott entertained the kids with Jingle Bears while we finished up a lovely dinner. We had a fabulous time opening presents - more stuff than those kids will ever appreciate! Mom and Dad got the kids a very, very generous donation to their college savings accounts in addition to some fun things and Marc & Becky went overboard as usual. Some day, I aspire to be that good at gift giving. The skull Xmas pj's for Scott? The Blindside replacement DVD for me? The princess scooter toy for Sloane? All perfect and awesome.

In the spirit of our family tradition, we got ornaments for the kids - one for every year - but mom and dad got them, and so did we. I like the eclectic Christmas tree where every ornament has a story. Makes me feel like I'm home!

So's a lot of work, and a lot of money, and a lot of stress but it's more than made up for by the the joy and the memories and the sharing of love between family and friends. It's so worth every little bit of everything. As you can tell by the length of this blog post...too many great moments to leave out a single one! I'm a little sorry it's over but still basking in the glow!

11th annual christmas eve-eve party

Our 11th annual Xmas Eve-Eve Party was a great success! Not as many donations for the Road Home as usual but we still ended up with a full truck-load of gifts for the shelter. Plus we had a good turn-out, tons of fabulous food and Lori brought some Price is Right-inspired drinking game called Drink-O (I did not play but hear it was hysterical!).

Thanks to Amy for the morning-after quiche, and thanks to all for the great company (even though I feel like I missed everything!) and generous gifts, thanks to the kids for wrecking the joint without breaking any windows with pool balls or crashing the TV or Christmas tree, and thanks to whoever left that bottle of vodka. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful friends...who have put up with all of our craziness and loved us through all the stages of life for 11+ years, and such an amazing family. You are all the best gifts. And you don't require wrapping!

The girls with the babies of 2010.
Big year of little ones!

all i want for christmas...

Old teeth...that left top cap has been
super-glued on since 2001. Zoiks! Or
maybe super glue is the way to go dentally.
Is my six front teeth. Yep, you heard me. SIX front teeth. In the list of dumb, over-ambitious things I've done over the holidays, I decided to get my veneers (front caps) redone before the end of the year. I had some FSA dollars riding on it and a broken tooth that was getting precariously close to, well, falling off. Had I totally realized that the process would screw my entire holiday season and that temporary crowns that last 12 hours (if that) are not really temporary, I might have done it differently. I was actually cementing my own caps back on a couple of times with a chopstick and then finally gave up and went with the Snaggletooth look. Hopefully they'll be gorgeous when they're done but for now, if you see me looking somber in any holiday photos, I'm just really trying to shield you from the sad reality of my teeth.

tis the season!

The first big snowstorm of the season and we were so outside! Tagg loved it! Stomping in the snow in his new snow boots while Daddy shovels the driveway? Uh, yeah!

Sloane was not happy about being
left out of the snow activities!
We built a snowman - Frosty - who had two eyes made out of decorative black rock (apparently you need something with more texture to really stick), a nice hat, a carrot nose and an onion smile. Yep, that's a red onion carved into that snowman smirk!

So today, a few days after the Frosty-building experience and six "let's-fix-Frosty" events because the rain and the warm weather broke that beautiful snowman down, Tagg was standing in the front window looking at the sad remains of his first snow creation, looks at us and says, "Frosty's not looking too good, daddy." Awwwww...

We started cramming in the holiday fun, early. Made a gingerbread house with Nana and Papa and the family (Papa watched Sloane while Mommy photographed and tried to keep Tagg from eating all the candy decora and glue-like frosting). We jacked up construction on the roof and ended up with a sunroof...with some stale M&Ms cemented on for kicks.  That will probably be a bigger hit in a year or so but it was still kind of fun. Especially for Tagg (candy is always a hit).
Do not tell the kids, but this is kind of what Santa's
workshop looks like at our house on Christmas
Eve. It's all the family presents, really. ;-)

So I pulled a few all-nighters getting ready for Christmas - photobooks, Xmas cards, and present wrapping. Whew! Apparently I got bags under my eyes for the Christmas! And we didn't even have a lot of put-it-together stuff. I am so amazed by all the wonderful people I know who always have their gifts done early, wrapped perfectly and are just jack-wagons for making the rest of us feel inferior.