Wednesday, September 19, 2012

happy birthday, nana

Nana with the grandkids and her fabulous birthday cake.
Leave it to my mom. She's 60-uh-something and for her birthday, no spa days or fancy dinners or expensive jewelry. Nope. Let's go camping! And, just because we're all busy, she'll even get all the food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You gotta love her!

Marc and Papa working the grill
The guys barbecued some wonderful chicken, but seriously, how much do you think we eat?!

We got this Pili-Pili hot sauce at a full-on, hippie, green festival
they were having at the lake campground. This stuff is HOT.
Like burn-your-face-off hot. But delicious, and award winning.
Do not ask me about the bangs. It wasn't me.
My little princess. She digs in the dirt. Runs down the rocky dirt trails. Climbs up the slide and hangs with the boys at the playground. But she'll pick up a broom and start cleaning up the campsite, too. Because, you know, she can find all kinds of gross and dirty stuff to put in her pockets - or her mouth - by sweeping.
Tagg found this stick in the water and immediately dubbed it his "Jedi walking stick."
I didn't get it until he said it was like Yoda's. Duh.
You get a little spoiled by Lake Powell boating and camping. The beaches at Jordanelle - where the water is down a ton! - were insanely rocky and muddy and kind of gross. And the water was 10 or 15 degrees colder. Still super fun, but not...Powell. Needless to say, we did not spend a whole lot of time in the lake.

Besides cooking, cleaning, boating, playing, beaching and running around, we also managed to do a cool art project where we painted a bunch of sea shells, and some frames. We ran out of time to glue them to the frame but the shells alone were just cool. Note to self: the best paint for the sea shells is not washable. So when your kid wipes his hands on the baby's special blanket...not so good!
Me and my mom "camping" back in the day. No wonder I love getting all back to nature with my family.
I have to say that I love this trip with my family, and I'm so grateful to celebrate another birthday with my mom. We played cards, games we haven't played in years. Papa made Yoda and Dora shaped pancakes for the kids. We went to the beach, the playground, the hippie festival and introduced my parents to the Chow Truck, Best of all, we got to celebrate my amazing mother. The woman who made us crafty, taught us to love cooking, musicals, reading and basketball, and loves all of us - her grandkids most of all - with a heart so big and forgiving and patient and sweet and strong.

We love you and happy birthday, mom!

got an extra hundred bucks sitting around?

Yeah? Really? You have that kind of money to burn? Then you might be in desperate need of this plaster HORSE HEAD! Yes. This is for real. A $100 plaster horse head (if you count tax, of course).

I found this "decorative" HORSE HEAD at a furniture store while shopping for a new loveseat. Apparently the rich - or interior designers who work at furniture stores - have no taste AND no sense of humor, just money to burn. I mean some ceramic roosters, sure, sign me up (not really). But a white HORSE HEAD? Who would shell out a hundred bucks to put a white plaster HORSE HEAD on their coffee table?!

Me! Well, it's not exactly going on the coffee table. I'll paint it brown, put it in our bed, under the sheets, liberally doused with a bunch of ketchup to look like blood, and let Scott have a Godfather moment. That's fucking funny, right?!

I guess money can buy happiness.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Finally, you shall be mine. Serious cowboy (aka cow-LADY) boots. Tried them on at the Buckle. Fell in love. And they had two left feet (literally) not in my size. DAMMIT! I knew they were meant for me because every time I see the photo on my phone, I'm a little sad and I talk about them a little too much and I have dreams about wearing them. Just found a killer online deal and now, finally, I will have my boots. 
Even Scott says, "good for you." I think that's a pretty good hubby validation moment. We will probably be going on a Harley ride with my new boots soon.