Wednesday, December 15, 2010

pay it forward...

I work with this amazing man named Bryan. I've never been lucky enough to meet his wife or his 5-year-old adopted son in person but I feel like I know them from how much he talks about them and share photos and stories and his love for them. It's pretty special and in my gut I know that these people need to have another baby in their circle of love.

I know my guy is an amazing hubby and he gushes over our kids in ways that are darling and wonderful but borderline unnatural, but this guy ADORES his child in ways you don't always expect from a dad. It's very cool. So, in the land of share-the-word-these-people-should-have-another-child, pass it on. They are amazing, they should have more children to nurture and love, and they caught the best web address ever!

It's a little strange to see how this midWestern family has to navigate the adoption process. Utah is a whole different world. We never had to have our own URL (of course, that was all of 7 months ago!). I realize that we were incredibly lucky to find our kids, but I always hope that everyone has the same good fortune, especially you guys.

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