Saturdays are fun, chaotic, hilarious, exhausting...and they
certainly require a little "super mom" at times. Scott works Saturdays
so it's me and the kids, all day, left to our own devices. MWAHAHAA! (that's my evil laugh)
First things first. My sister and I go for a
long run, about 8 miles. Sounds impressive to some, but this was the
first time I had run since last Saturday and it felt like all uphill and
into the wind (it was actually really windy, but it might have seemed
worse in my head). But we did it!
Looking awesome,
smelling fabulous and with a face that most deer would love to get a
crack at (get the salt lick reference?), we head to the grocery store
and then to the park for a little play time.
it's off to lunch. Special treat (because all the groceries are in the
back of the Tahoe)...Chik-Fil-A! It is, by now, waaaaaay past nap time
so we rush back to the house and put Sloane down for a nap while I rock
out some dishes, laundry, clean up, and put the groceries away. Tagg is
patiently playing with his Star Wars sticker book, hanging on to the
thread of hope that we can do some crafts while Sloane is sleeping.
dude. No dice. She's not sleeping today, apparently.
(WHY?! Whyyyyy?! I
would kill for a nap right now! How about I sleep and YOU do the
dishes? Huh?) So we start our craft project together, two against one.
And paint is the weapon of choice. I am in trouble. Oh, and did I
mention there's a salad spinner involved? Danger!
I actually bought my first salad spinner for this cute craft idea I found on Pinterest. Love that site for crafts! But a little worried that my salad spinner will never spin actual salad after this. |
It took us awhile to get the hang of it but once we
did, it was pretty fun. Of course, Sloane managed to dump one bowl of
paint over and paint her leg and face blue while we figured it out but
nothing hit the counters so all good.
The inside of the salad spinner was actually really lovely when we were done. Kind of hippie, tie-dye. I wanted to keep it like this, but I also want to spin salad some day. Not sure why. |
And the little paper eggs were beautiful. I have no idea what to do with them now but they're really cute!
The final product! |
After that, we decided that since we were already a
mess with paint, we might as well try some other projects that involve paint. And mess. So we painted
Easter and spring cards, made thumbprint chicks, and
then made purple handprints for a future project. We only dumped paint - full bottles of
paint, mind you - on the floor twice and then had a clap fest with our
purple-painted hands which splattered me and the entire kitchen
with paint. Needless to say, tubby time for the kids came early on
Saturday. (for the record, I still have not showered at this
Oh yeah. We got some craftin' goin' on in here! |
And, because the day is still young, I power
showered, got the kids cleaned up and into the 3rd outfit of the day and
off we went to Target to get a few things.
Sloane tried out her new sticker book. One on her head, 15 on the rest of her. |
Tagg's awesome shopping outfit, snow boots and shorts. I had no input on this. And he does not have an ATM card. |
And then we went home, made dinner, and I think
people maybe watched a movie. I was snoring on the couch by 10pm, dreaming of
paint and Easter eggs and spinning salads. In my cape.
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