We met our possible future birth mother last night. We were joking around before we left trying to guess what she looks like and boy, did we both get it wrong! She’s really cute. Blonde, blue eyed and tall! Apparently she’s 5’11” – can you believe that? But she’s a very smart, nice, well-mannered girl who seems to love her family, loves to read, likes sports – she plays volleyball and basketball in school, wants to go to college and get a degree in psychology, was raised Catholic and likes big dogs. She seemed perfect and Scott and I both felt like she would fit right into our families at a holiday dinner. She also seemed really confident in her decision.
Hopefully we made a good impression even though I told her that Scott was a cheerleader, probably not a real great selling point for a girl who’s into sports and her boyfriend, the baby daddy is also a football, basketball player. Woops! But it was funny. It was definitely a nerve wracking and wrecking experience but I think it was good and hopefully we follow through with a second meeting that’s maybe a little more comfortable. She was very interested in what we were thinking of naming the baby – nothing gay – so we’ll have to think about that. We brainstormed some last night and I think we’re leaning toward Nicholas Tagg. Nickelas Tagg Harmer, but we’ll probably call him Tagg. If he’s going to be a big smart good looking kid, I think he can pull that off. We may have to rethink the baby room. I know, I know. But if we get a girl next, we can totally save the bumble bee stuff, right? Anyway, now we just have to wait for her to decide if she wants to sign the match contract and then we can start telling people. The anticipation is crazy!
I’m going to head to the gym in a bit for a good run and then a swim. I was meant to swim yesterday and I just couldn’t make myself get in the pool. I don’t know what my aversion is to it. I think sometimes it’s tough to tack that on to another work out, or maybe it’s just because it’s a process to swim, like you should just be able to hop in and go, or maybe it’s the swimsuit, or maybe it’s because it’s the thing that I am the least graceful at. But we have our open water swim clinic in less than 3 weeks so I need to get my ass in the pool and get up to speed. Lynne is still doing the swim from Alcatraz. I think she’s absolutely insane but I’m so proud of her! It’s also only 2 weeks from the Wasatch Back race. Can you believe that? The time just flew by! I’m really happy that I signed up for this. It’s really making me enjoy the freedom of running and I love running outside. It’s nice to be able to count on my own energy to get places! Plus I like the effects it’s creating on my body – not counting the Achilles tendonitis! I’ll be happy when the weather decides to be summer. It’s been just sketchy. A good day or two and now we’re back to rain and snow. Ugh. Hopefully we’ll get some good sun this weekend at the lake while we’re celebrating!