Today was my 9th half-marathon. I think in most worlds that makes me a "runner" but I still don't feel like one. I honestly didn't train as much as I should have (shocker) although I ran a little more than usual between races. My longest run was 7 1/2 miles last Sunday. Yep, that's it. So just for the record, if you think you can't do a half-marathon...you can! It's not easy but you just keep going and don't worry about the time.
That's what I did today and, low and behold, I got a PR (personal record), PB (personal best)...whatever! my best time ever in a half! 2:19:44. Kind of blah in the eyes of most real runners, I know. The female winner did it in 1:20. Dang, girl! The marathon winner passed me (for the third year in a row) which means some guy ran twice as far in the same amount of time! But this year, he passed me as I turned into the Gateway which was about a half-mile later than last year. Next year, not passing me. But no matter what, I'm happy and super proud of my time!
Scott asked me...what did you do to get that kind of number today? I have no good reason, really. It was cool and overcast. That was a plus, in spite of the fact we were freaking out that it was raining as we pulled up at Natalie's house. I felt like I was going to crap my pants for about the first 6 miles in spite of taking 4 imodium (yes, FOUR! I may not poop again till Wednesday.) That was a HUGE minus. I seriously thought I was going to have to pull over somewhere, anywhere, but I didn't want to take time out to hit a port-a-potty or wait in line at one of the gas stations so I just toughed it out.
The course is all downhill, mostly. That was a plus. Except for the last 2 miles which are mostly uphill - some places just a little incline, one place it's pretty steep. That's just mean after 11+ miles.
So I'm not sure what made today the day I did good for no reason but I'll take it. I think most of it was mental...I wanted to PR and I did. It was definitely tough to get the time right because my Garmin watch-battery crapped out just before the start of the race and I couldn't get my Map My Run to log in on my phone so I had no clue about my pace or anything. It was all just "feeling it." I did force myself not to stop and walk the last three miles which is my usual MO. I kept thinking I might beat my best time...I have to push, push, push!
I had a great time running with Tiff and Natalie - our 3rd SL half together - and Greg and Christi who used today as a training run for their full marathon in 2 weeks. They usually run on a track in Park City. Where it takes NINE laps to make a mile. And they ran 20 miles last week on said track. They had to make a pit stop about half-way but otherwise I think we'd have been right there, or beat me. And they were awesome to run with. HIGH-larious!
Uber-thanks to all of the volunteers (Carrie!) and anyone who played music, had a sign, a drum, bacon or a cowbell, or just hollered "way to go!" as we were running. That kind of stuff makes me have faith in humanity and inspires me to do everything I can possibly do! So today was a huge woo-hoo moment for me on many levels!
And I got another medal.
(p.s. favorite runner that I did not get a picture of? This big dude with a speedo whose back said "dignity? no, donations to animal adoption." Kind of love that guy for many reasons!)