Monday, February 21, 2011

it's all about the medal

can you believe the wall-to-wall people?!
as far as the eye could see...for hours and hours!
With the Pacific Ocean and Huntington Beach's iconic pier as a backdrop, almost 20,000 people lined up at 7am (most in front of the port-a-loos before they lined up at the actual race start) and ran 13.1 or 26.2 miles up and down the PCH. It was an amazing event. Perfect weather - foggy and probably in the 50s the whole time. The sun burst out about 15 minutes after we crossed the finish line and we felt pretty happy about that! 

Super fun people - a guy dressed as Steeler Paluapalooooooo. It was Super Bowl Sunday after all! And 35,000 spectators and volunteers singing, cheering and playing music along the way. It's always kind of insane to me that this many people are willing to get up on a Sunday morning and run 13 or 26 miles. All kinds of people - short ones, tall ones, fat ones, way too skinny ones, old ones, pregnant ones, ones who look like running really hurts (that might be me). It's just cool that this "thing" brings us all together to experience the same pain, rush, challenge, celebration. And we all do it together. I wish the whole world could be like that.

Even though we beat our goal time (2 hours 30 minutes...that's what happens when you don't train!) by...uh...40-ish second, we didn't exactly beat any records. The winner of the women’s half marathon busted a 1:17! So I only have to be twice as fast to be a winner. No problemo! 

friday night fun!

We decided head down to Huntington to pick up our race packets, have some dinner and a few know, our version of pre-race carb loading. And we just happened upon a gorgeous SoCal sunset on the ocean. It was so lovely, and warm and inspirational. I think everyone should live on the beach. And carb load with cocktails.

Pom-a-rita, Skinny-rita,
Mango-rita, Diva-rita...Go!

let there be shopping
In spite of our best efforts, Natalie did
NOT buy this hat. I was thinking
Kentucky Derby.
After a few Diva-ritas (big, giant margaritas!), we decided to do some shopping on Huntington's Main Street. We found a super cute boutique with bikinis, bikinis, bikinis...and hats! Sure, there were a few bad judgment calls. Mostly by me, I think. That is why I usually have a strict no-shopping-while-drinking-tequila rule. 

I bought...well, a few dresses. One of which I now realize is a shirt. That should be worn with leggings or jeans. Especially when your legs look like mine. But at the time, the Diva-rita was kicking in and I was like, YEAH! I am going to ROCK this cute little dress. The Monday reality was, well, sobering.

post-race recovery
Big, giant screwdrivers at Mutt Lynch's (best beach bar, ever!) and an epic breakfast of eggs and french toast and stuff.
These drinks are bigger than their faces!

We watched the Superbowl at a little sports bar near our hotel. It was awesome, not just because the Packers won and the game was a good one. 

But the lady in green...out of control! She had the worst muffin top, complete with the thong underwear hanging out of the back. It was tragic. I am always super conscious when I have low-rider jeans on. You would think she would have noticed the draft and pulled her shirt down or something but nope. The people sitting behind her were in hysterics and by about half-time she was all drunk and belligerent and got asked to leave. Sadly, that was better entertainment than most of the commercials!

On Monday, me and Tiff walked about 3 miles down the beach in 75+ degree weather talking about life and dreams. It was so incredibly soothing and inspirational and just overall perfect.
Is there anything better than a sunset on the ocean?
So many miracles to enjoy!

my first hand me downs

Tagg, January 2009, 6 months
Sloane, January 2011, 8 months

...from my brother! Sorry, girl! You thought you were out of the woods on hand-me-downs what with being the only daughter and having a mother with a bit of a shopping addiction. Not so lucky! My favorite Aunt Kris gave Tagg these darling jammies when they met him for the first time in January of 2009. Of course, I saved them thinking they might have some sentimental value...more for me, than him I suspect but whatever! Sloane has been wearing these same jammies since she was about 5 months, and a couple of weeks ago I realized she was about to grow out of them and we needed a picture! She can't even straighten her legs! So it's a little forced, sure, but I wanted a photographic memory of those jammies on my babies. Because every time I put them on and snapped them up and laid them down in their beds in those green p.j.'s, it felt like my Aunt Kris was here, giving them a big hug, and a sweet kiss, and one of her boisterous oh-so-joyful-I-love-you laughs.

And, let's face's kind of perfect that NEITHER of them will bust out a freaking smile for the camera. Seriously? Seriously!!