I am not a huge fan of Valentines Day. Very un-girlie, I know. It just seems so manufactured and forced. Not that I wouldn't love some flowers or a little romantic dinner somewhere, don't get me wrong. I would just rather get a bouquet of tulips on a random Tuesday in May or have a lovely dinner out for no particular reason without seven billion other people celebrating romance because they're supposed to. Bah humbug!
The one thing I do love about Valentines Day is thinking about love. Being reminded how much love there is in my home, in my life, in the world. Loving love.
I was reminded of the love fest today when I opened the mailbox and there was a red envelope addressed to our family, postmark West Virginia. It was a Valentines card sending hugs and smiles...and love our way. From one family to another. To me, the best thing about open adoption is being able to share that love and caring. Across the miles and the months. I know that someday my children will have this tender history of the love that brought them to us and keeps us close to their birth families' hearts.

As usual, I am running a few days behind in getting my cards out. Doesn't seem to matter how early I start, I always end up late somehow. But I love the handmade cards we made for the kids' birth families. Their watercolor art is unique, special and beautiful with the drips and streaks —Tagg's are intense and bold and organized; Sloane's are arbitrary, free, delicate. I love them so much it's hard for me to be unselfish and send them off. A poignant reminder of the special gift that we were given. Maybe that's why I waited till the last minute to post them. So off these little masterpieces of love go, families joined by little hands and little hearts.
Maybe I am a fan of Valentines Day after all.
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