About a month ago, Tagg and I decided we were going to grow some stuff. I had all these empty planters sitting beside the garage in the driveway, a sad tribute to the plethora of plants I've managed to kill over the years. It seemed like they needed a purpose again. So off we went to Home Depot and picked out some plants and seeds. Let me just tell you. If you haven't ever taken a 2 1/2 year old to a rack of seed packages and said "let's pick out some things to plant," you're in for a treat. Based on his choices we'd have little planters growing corn on the cob (can you picture a big ol' corn stalk in this pot?!), pumpkins, and chamomile. I did not know he was a tea aficionado. I, on the other hand, was determined to finally grow a functional herb garden so we also had oregano, basil, tarragon, thyme and coriander. Plus a couple of tomato and pepper plants, and a few strawberry plants.

We got our plants tucked happily into their new homes. Tagg was a big help with the dirt and the shovel. He was trying to bury the plants more than anything but hey...that's kind of the point, right? A few days later he planted the herb seeds and a couple of zucchini plants with Nana and Papa. We water the plants almost every day and check their progress. No plant fatalities yet, I'm happy to report.
Tagg is always genuinely amazed every time we peek under the leaves at our tomatoes he says, "Look Mommy!! They growed! They growed!" Thanks to Tagg's green thumb, it actually looks like we might have some fresh tomatoes this summer.
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