So this morning we open his door and he's sitting on the floor with his Lightning McQueen jammies on and both feet in the right leg-hole of his Lightning McQueen unders (I should have stock in Disney Pixar). He looks up with his little bed-head and says, "I put on underwear!" So proud. A few minutes later, Scott pops his head in the bathroom and says, "You gotta see this. Tagg's showing Sloane how he can put on his underwear." Sure enough, the kid's on the floor by Sloane, both feet in the right leg-hole of said Lightning McQueen underwear, showing off. Once we got them on, he sat and read her all of his favorite books. One of those "aaawww" moments. And where was my camera!
When Tiff came over tonight, he made a point of showing her his underwear skills and then ran laps around the house and did a nice little yoga "down dog" pose for her. Classic. Potty training is pretty fun so far!
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